Parashat Nitzavim • Deuteronomy 29:9-30:20

The rock band “fun” had a song popular back in 2012 called “Some Nights.” You’ve probably heard it – with its catchy lyrics and nonstop radio play, it was hard to miss! One of the most memorable lines in the song is this:

Oh, Lord – I’m still not sure what I stand for, oh
Whoa oh oh (what do I stand for?)
Whoa oh oh (what do I stand for?)
Most nights – I don’t know …

When you’re driving along and singing aloud to the song blasting back at you, it can often be hard to focus on what its lyrics contain. Only when one stops and pauses might we consider that existential question “fun” is pointing us toward – what do I stand for?

Parshat Nitzavim begins this week with the following: You stand here this day, all of you before, Adonai your God, your tribal heads, your elders and your officials, all the men of Israel, your children, your wives, even the stranger within your camp … to enter into the covenant of Adonai your God … to the end that God may establish you this day as God’s people and be your God, as God promised you and as God swore to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob … I make this covenant with its sanctions not with you alone, but both with those who are standing here with us this day … and those who are not with us here this day.” (Deuteronomy 29:9-14)

In parshat Nitzavim, we learn that the people stand together, united as one, about to cross a threshold into the land of Israel. They are not perfect people – not the tribal heads, nor the elders or officials, nor the children or the strangers within the camp. We know that the forty-year trek which led them to this moment was an arduous, painfully human voyage – one where leaders made mistakes, where humans complained and questioned authority, where rebellions led to loss of life, and where God at times grew profoundly impatient with this people. Yet – here they are, standing together. Here they are – united to receive God’s promise. Here they are – standing as one community, a part of an everlasting Covenant that stretches to this day. What do they stand for? They stand for God.

And yet – we also read that this day, God makes this covenant not just with those who are present but those who are not. We realize that “one need not physically stand among those destined to dwell in the Land of Israel in order to stand before God as part of the People Israel. While we may be separated by time, by space, by native language, by ritual practice, or by the conditions in which we live, we who embrace the Covenant are all worthy of being part of K’lal Yisrael – the Jewish people.” (Rabbi Audrey R. Korotkin)

This Sunday we will begin our celebration of the New Jewish Year, 5776. At this time of year we ask ourselves – what do we stand for? We take stock of our actions and look ahead to the opportunities of a fresh start and new beginning. This coming Sunday, many of us will stand together – shoulder to shoulder, machzor to machzor, as we pray Avinu Malkeinu. Yet some of us will be absent, bound elsewhere – either due to illness, choice or circumstance.

No matter where we physically stand this coming High Holy Days – we still stand together. No matter what we hold in our hearts – what pain and grief, what joy and excitement, what anticipation and anxiety, what pride or fear – we stand together as one holy community, united in our bond to one another and our tradition.

What do we stand for? We stand for one another, no matter where we are.

Shana Tova U’metukah – to a good, sweet year ahead.

Rabbi Jaclyn Cohen

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